The 3 Steps I Took To Become A Paid Speaker
A question I get asked often is:
“How do I become a paid speaker?”
Now, I’m no expert in this area (as I don’t secure clients a speaking gig, I help them prep for a speaking gig). But I do get paid to speak and it’s my main source of income.
So, I thought I’d share the 3 Key Steps I took to become a paid speaker.
It’s probably not what you’d expect. As it doesn’t involve finding an Agent or creating a Speaker Reel etc.
But it definitely worked for me!
If you’d like to get requested to speak for a fee, read on.
I’ve had people say they want to become a paid speaker. But they don’t have anything they want to talk about.
You can’t become a speaker, if you don’t have something to speak on.
I remember the first time I learnt about Storytelling.
I attended a 2hr workshop after work and I was buzzing with excitement afterwards.
I knew I’d stumbled on something that was going to change my life.
That knowledge felt like it was burning a hole in my pocket’
That gave my speaking a purpose. I wasn’t simply trying to become a paid speaker, I wanted to share what I’d learnt!
Having a purpose behind being a speaker is essential.
So, you must identify that first.
Unsure about whether you’ve that thing that truly lights you up?
Here’s how you know:
- It’s something you’re obsessed about delving into
- You could get lost investigating articles on it
- You could easily stay up late reading or learning about it
- You love talking to others about it and hearing their perspective
- You’d be happy to speak on it for free as it gives you a buzz
I didn’t wait for opportunities to speak. I made sure I created them.
Whether it was a Brown Bag session at work (AKA A lunch and learn), or joining Toastmasters, I ensured I had heaps of opportunities to present to others.
As I knew the more I practised, the better I’d get.
Each time I presented, I took the lessons and learnings and tweaked my approach a little bit.
I truly believe that in order to get better, you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
So I said yes to every single speaking request.
In those early days I didn’t care if it was paid or not.
I knew that free work would be excellent practise and a great springboard for me eventually.
If you don’t have enough opportunities to speak now – create them!
Getting your reps up is so important. To not only bring larger opportunities your way, but also to ensure that when they do, you’ll feel ready.
In the very early days of being interested in Storytelling and Public Speaking, I remember my boss at the time telling me:
“You should share more on social media”
I was baffled initially. Because I thought everyone knew what I was up to.
But I realised he was right.
Only a select number of people knew. But my broader network had no idea.
So – I started to share what I was up to on social media.
The more I shared, the more I’d get requested to speak. It was like a snowball.
The free work turned into my first paid gig. Which turned into more paid gigs.
Then the paid work overtook the free work + it became my primary source of income.
People won’t know the extent of what you know, or the amazing things you’re doing, if you don’t share it widely.
So use social media to spread the word and build your brand.
It will absolutely create more opportunities for you.
If you’d like to become a paid speaker one day and you don’t like the idea of joining a Speaker’s Bureau, know that you can absolutely make it happen organically.
First find what lights you up, then get your reps up and finally share what you’re doing (so people are aware of it).
It’s the formula that worked for me. I’m sure it can help you too.
Q – If you were a paid speaker, what would you speak about? OR if you’re a paid speaker now, share what your journey looked like in the comments below.
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Hey, I’m Emily Edgeley, a Public Speaking Coach for the Tech industry. Since 2017 I’ve transformed the lives of thousands, by helping them to communicate with more power. I’ve run 300+ group coaching sessions, coached more than 250 people privately, and helped more than 100+ others give their first ever Conf talk.
I’m on a mission to help people in Tech communicate with clarity, impact, and confidence. To boost your brand, career and industry influence.
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