Meet Emily Edgeley

Public Speaking & Storytelling Coach

Hi, I’m Emily.

I went from being petrified of public speaking…..

…. to being an in-demand (and award winning) public speaking coach
…. that gets paid to speak
…. and paid to coach others

This is now my job, but it doesn’t feel like it to me. It’s something that brings me an immense amount of joy. 

Curious about what led me here?

Here’s my story.


I was never one of those *natural* born speakers.

As a (somewhat shy) person with a degree in Pure Maths and a Masters in Info Security, my strengths lay in numbers and analysing things. Not in public speaking.

Being the centre of attention always felt uncomfortable. So whenever I had to present to an audience, it never went well.

No matter how much I prepared, I couldn’t seem to control my nerves and I came across like a babbling fool. It was frustrating and SO mortifying!

And then it happened.

In the middle of giving an important presentation to an auditorium of 200+ Project Managers – I froze like a deer in headlights.

My heart was racing and my thoughts were swirling inside my head like a tornado. It got so all-consuming that my mind literally shut down on me, just when I needed it to work the most.

I was frustrating and SO mortifying! I wanted the world to swallow me up that day and not have to face the reality of what had just happened. Ugh!!

But I realised I only had two options – either run from my fear of public speaking or face it…


Turning my fear of public speaking into excitement


I knew I couldn’t actually avoid public speaking if I wanted to progress in my career. Plus, I’m a person who’s much happier when I’m running towards something…

So, I took a giant leap out of my comfort zone and decided to face my public speaking fears head on.

Over the next few years, I filled up my spare time learning, practising and improving my public speaking skills.


The more I learnt, the more I realised it was absolutely a skill that could be mastered. With repeatable techniques that anyone could take advantage of.

As I got better at presenting, it was the best feeling and I started to actually enjoy presenting and have fun with it.

People in the Tech space noticed my growing passion for public speaking. Which led me to:

  • Mentoring other people and helping them too
  • Running Storytelling workshops inside my organisation
  • Getting requests to speak at external organisations & events


How I became a Public Speaking & Storytelling Coach

Gradually, word spread. Other tech professionals sought me out to coach them and offered to hire me.

So, I distilled, demystified and decoded everything I’d studied. Then I developed my own proven speaking strategies.

A restructure at work provided the nudge I needed to leave my corporate job behind. I became a public speaking and storytelling coach for people in tech – especially women.

So far it’s the most fulfilling work I’ve ever done in my life.

I’m still part of an industry I know and love. Plus I get to help people (and in some cases, change their lives), which is why I do what I do. 

If you work in Tech / Cyber Sec and you want to communicate in a more impactful way – check out my services. Or book a discovery call.

I’d love to help.

Melbourne-based speaking coach with a global reach

Home for me is Melbourne, Australia. But – thanks to the convenience of online coaching – I regularly support individuals, groups and conferences all around the world.

When I’m not helping other people discover the power of public speaking and storytelling, you’ll find me:

  • running around after my two kids!
  • keeping active (walking, hiking, running etc) 
  • doing a cryptic crossword
  • learning something new

If you’re ready to face your fear of public speaking or you simply want to level up the way you communicate – I’d love to help.

My confidence has grown in a variety of speaking scenarios like presenting and facilitation.

I could resonate with Emily’s early experience and challenges with speaking. Also she has a tech background and that’s helpful for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed this learning journey. I have a structure to use and tools that help me prepare and keep calm.

Journey Expert

Take a look at my range of public speaking and communication coaching services

For individuals

Group Coaching Programs

In a Fun & Interactive Live Group Environment (run once per year), learn: How to prepare and deliver an impactful presentation E-2-E, or How to leverage the art of storytelling in the corporate workplace. They’re experiences like no other!

Private Coaching Packages

Via tailored 1:1 sessions, I’ll support you with a specific event (E.g. a Conference talk or interview) or a specific goal you’re working towards (e.g. Building your level of influence & impact). With me in your corner, I’ll make sure you nail it!

For organisations

Corporate Workshops

Boost your team’s ability to execute against your own agenda, at pace, by transforming their ability to communicate. My corporate workshops are tailored to meet your team’s specific requirements and goals, so they hit the mark for your people.

Conference Support

My professional conference speaker support helps first-time and experienced presenters – especially women – step up to share their expertise with confidence, clarity and power. No matter what level of experience, I’ll elevate each speakers’ impact.

Want more?

I have a fortnightly newsletter called The Magnetic Communicator.

In it, I share insider tips & tricks to help you communicate with power & impact and get more of what you want!